Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wow...Its year End of 2010~

So sorry...It has been a long time I never update my blog...

Busy with lots of stuffs...
Busy with my office works...
Busy summing up all the achievements and events that occurred along the year...
Busy taking care of new house (D'piazza house) renovation works...
Busy moving to and stay in KL's new house...

That's why not much time to login to online to write up my feelings...
The last 2 months have been filled with loaded events....
Lots of outings...Padang Besar...B'day celebration...Auto City concert...X'mas...

And lastly now...Happy New Year...
Malaysia won the Suzuki Football cup with aggregate 4-2 over the Indon, and thanks to our PM that love Football declared the 31 Dec as public holiday, so everyone can rest earlier, go back hometown to countdown the 2011 with family~ Hurray...

For me...
I got to work for the holiday and 1 Jan...but I'm happy cause I can claim OT! :P

Monday, November 22, 2010


統一表格 簡化流程







有興趣的中小企業們,可直接鍵入該公會網址,然后在網站最上側的Consumer Information一欄中,選擇第二項的Partner項目。該頁面打開后,將滑鼠滾輪向下拉,點擊第一部分(Part 1)后就可下載中小企業貸款申請表格。



網站內第二部分(Part 2),是有關各別類型公司所需提呈的相關文件,附件1(A)及2(A)是給私人有限公司(Sdn Bhd)的對照表(Checklist),附件1(B)及2(B)則供獨資經商者(Sole Proprietor)、個人或合伙公司參考的的對照表。




Wednesday, November 17, 2010


有一位退休工程师,他退休前在一家公司工作超过三十年,他对公司的机器及产品了如指掌。几年后,公司突然发生机器故障,全公司竟然没有一个人能解决这问题。正绝望之际 ....










Source from blog...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

上海2010世博记忆 1080HD

Very nice clip~
About the Shang Hai World Expo 2010~ I missed the chance to visit...Its ok, save the money for a better future~

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day - About life...

I found a very good and cute article talking about our life...

Very well said about our life, live life to the MAX~ ^@^

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 480 - 11.11.10

Today is really a nice day for me to rest.

Thinking and reviewing the last 3 days of my birthday...It was really great~
Have the great overwhelming 120++ birthday wishes from my friends from the Facebook list...
Friendship really rocks~

A simple outside lunch at QB Kim Gary lunch set with 10 colleagues on the day of my birthday~
Also I felt appreciated by the team of colleagues, we got another team luncheon on Wed at Restaurant Pan Mutiara and my boss bought me a slice of chocolate moose cake~ ^@^
Nice curry fish head, hope it really bring me a good luck, heading a better future~

Today I went out to settle some personal banking investment stuffs, then check up for King Leong's condo, then back home and sticked in front of my computer~

Read an article introducing the book about the owner of the Japanese Uniqlo fashion businessmen~ nice article that he talks about his failures before success...一勝九敗~

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Day - What a weekend in KL~ Uniqlo is in M'sia~ Back to working mode now~

A weekend spent with my family and meeting friends in KL~
Thanks to Yik Ming tour me around KL area: Lot 10, Fahrenheit 88, Lowyat Plaza, BB plaza, Sg. Wang area~

There was a huge crowd at the Fahrenheit 88 (previously known as KL Plaza) due to the newly opening fashion shop from Tokyo - Uniqlo~

The UNIQLO - pronounced in Japanese as "Unikolo"

I personally not that fancy into fashion, but really need to praise their good work in promoting it in M'sia and make such a great "hoo-haa" in KL area...Everyone wanted to the be early bird to grad the freebies. The first 1000 customer will get the free recycle bad, and also entitled that bag when spend above RM200 in a receipt. My friend that reached at 9am informed me that the shop was crowded with queue even before the shop opening at 11am. Wow...successful advertising and promoting from media~

Their website looks modern and nice~

OMG~ I was a bit upset and disappointed when seeing such a big crowd, not manage to get into the shop to have a look on the sales items. There are only some sales item available, I wanted to buy myself a jeans with Rm49.90 as the normal price is Rm99.90, enjoy the 50% discount. I guess that the reasons why people in KL are queuing like mad, covers the whole lobby of the Fahrenheit 88~ Anyway, I'll get into there and visit again when I'm back!

Monday, November 01, 2010

Day 477 - 1st Nov 2010 ...1.11...My car service~

Last weekends, my friend, Wei Nee came all the way from KL to Penang to visit me, then I brought her to tour around for Penang foods~ She brought me some pineapple tarts cookies from Taiwan...really appreciate that :)

Do you know what are these? This are the parts for car valve gasket kit.
I just sent my car for repair and service in Penang. Changing all the gaskit kit and timing belt as there is engine oil leaking from my car. =_="

I was too noob...Drive my car without checking the engine oil and it dries up~

RM400 spent for all the items: (My mileage for 15 yrs Iswara car 189935)
Oil filter RM13
Plug sets RM28
Valve Cover Gasket RM18
Distribution O Ring RM5
Valve seal 12pcs RM120
Timing belt kit RM220 - for 100,000km mileage

Also another RM52 spent for my engine oil Shell HX3 20W-50 for above 10 years car engine~

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

GWEI - Google Will Eat Itself~

Google Will Eat Itself... --> GWEI...

This is really very funny...
My Signature GWei...was actually so famous in the google search and used as a trick to buy over Google using its adsense money...
Too bad to hear this...Poor thing for my signature~ GWEI @_@

Day - 2010 2010...the day of 20 Oct 2010~

Hi all, I also not sure what is my thinking in my mind now~
Am I still counting the days? Or have I ready for the facts?
Today is 2010 2010...which is quite a nice figure, 20 Oct 2010...

Hope everything go smoothly...
Clear up my thoughts...think for the future...plan for it...
Time to make some decisions~




1. 研究﹐研究﹐再研究

要爭取到更高的薪水﹐得先弄清楚自己能拿到的最高薪酬是多少。印度職介公司Manpower Services India總經理潘迪特(Sanjay Pandit)說﹐要好好研究一下該行業類似職位的主流薪酬狀況。





2. 不要表現得迫不及待

在任何談判中﹐如果你表現出自己渴望得到某樣東西﹐就會失去談判的籌碼。印度孟買獵頭公司NuGrid Consulting Pvt. Ltd.的總經理穆沙爾(Sanjay Muthal)說﹐你表現得越有興趣﹐得到的反而越少。



3. 不要主動問薪水問題

安全服務提供商傑富仕公司(G4S PLC)負責北非、中東、南亞區域的人力資源主管帕克爾(Zak Parker)說﹐應聘者不應該主動提出薪水問題﹐因為這會讓人覺得你滿腦子只想著錢。


4. 要坦誠相對


5. 工資漲多少算合適﹖




6. 第一次開出的薪水還可以再商量






7. 不漲工資漲津貼



8. 舍得放棄



Shefali Anand

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Metro - Under a Vast Sky

This Metro, a group of vocalist performing their nice voice A Cappella without any instrumental voice~

Metro - Under a Vast Sky

versus the original Beyond version~ Both also nice~

I really like the way they sing~ Nice~~
They put the effort to sing in foreign language, sing in famous Cantonese song~ So Cool~ ^@^

Another song by Metro - My Pride

Versus the original version by Joey 容祖兒-我的驕傲

How do you feel? Really feel nice right? :P
Enjoy listening and singing together~

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Funny shirts for WIFE~

This one is funny BOLD with I LOVE MY WIFE...well, there are actually some hidden words in between, I LOVE it when MY WIFE lets me go fishing~
Some more creative shirts designs available online~

Very funny shirts design for guys to define WIFE... =_=" OMG~
Washing, Ironing, Fucking and Etc...
Really speechless...Damn creative ">.<"

Day - 101010 Digital day~ Happy 10 10 10...

Finger Cross~ A symbol to peace and good luck, God bless~
Wah...Today is a special day for a lot of couples, some might be busy queuing for the Registration of Marriage (ROM) for this special 10 10 10, which is 10th of October 2010. If you would like to have this figure again, will need to wait for next 100 years~ ^@^

I wish all people have a wonderful weekend, 10 10 10, get the full score of life~
祝大家有十分..是十分十全十美的快乐~ HAPPY 10.10.10 ~
Yeah...Today is Sunday, a half working day for me for my shift work~
This 101010 used to be a great date for me, the day We met...
Anyway, it will be always deep in my memories!

Friday, October 01, 2010


有一個出家弟子跑去請教一位很有智慧的師父,他跟在師父的身邊,天天問同樣的問題:「師父啊,什麼是人生真正的價值?」問得師父煩透了。 有一天,師父從房間拿出一塊石頭,對他說:「你把這塊石頭,拿到市場去賣,但不要真的賣掉,只要有人出價就好了,看看市場的人,出多少錢買這塊石頭?」弟子就帶著石頭到市場,有的人說這塊石頭很大,很好看,就出價兩塊錢;

有人說這塊石頭,可以做稱鉈,出價十塊錢。 結果大家七嘴八舌,最高也只出到十塊錢。 弟子很開心的回去,告訴師父:「這塊沒用的石頭,還可以賣到十塊錢,真該把它賣了。」 師父說:「先不要賣,再把它拿去黃金市場賣賣看,也不要真的賣掉。」 弟子就把這石頭,拿去黃金市場賣,一開始就有人出價一千塊,第二個人出一萬塊,最後被出到十萬元。

弟子興沖沖跑回去,向師父報告這不可思議的結果。 師父對他說:「把石頭拿去最貴、最高級的珠寶商場去估價。」弟子就去了。 第一個人開價就是十萬,但他不賣,於是二十萬,三十萬,一直加到後來對方生氣了,要他自己出價。 他對買家說,師父不許他賣,就把石頭帶了回去, 對師父說:「這塊石頭居然被出價到數十萬。」 師父說:「是呀!我現在不能教你人生的價值,因為你一直在用市場的眼光在看待你的人生。 人生的價值,應該是一個人心中,先有了最好的珠寶商的眼光,才可以看到真正的人生價值。」

我們的價值,不在於外面的評價,而是在我們給自己的定價。 我們每一個人的價值,都是絕對的。

堅持自己崇高的價值,接納自己,磨勵自己。 給自己成長的空間,我們每個人都能成為「無價之寶」。


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Facebook emoticon~, my friend asked me how to make other emoticons in FB chat...
To answer this, of course Google will help~ HAHA

And you will find lots of fun and cute emoticon there~ Great site to visit~

I like this heart series : ❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ

They are really cool right? There are also some rare emoticons here~

Sunday, September 19, 2010

翁立友 - 我问天 + 坚持

I'd been once got the chance to attend 翁立友 concert at Genting Malaysia...very good Hokkien singer...Great voice~

Very motivating songs~ Like it~ Learn it and sing it!

翁立友 - 我问天 ...Sounds a bit sad, but really touching lyrics~

翁立友 - 坚持... Don't give up, stay on~

Really like these songs~ ^@^

Global Brands listing~

A cool website list of the ranking and listing of international brands~

The best Global brands~

It really open up my eyes to expose to various types of brands and their popularity~
To be rich, you must understand the market growth~ Study it! ^@^

Day - Been busy enjoying life~

Wow, it has been a week I have no updates for my blog...So sorry that I was busying with my family and friends~

During the Raya weekend, I went to Kuala Selangor for firefly viewing with friends~ T_T Sadly that we missed it as we were lost in finding the correct way to Taman Bkt Belimbing or the Kampung Kuantan... But still a nice gathering with friends~ Also I brought my parents to the Shah Alam I-city, the city of lights to enjoy the night view of LEDs...

Lately this week shift break, my SK friends came over to Penang for a short trip...Thanks to the Malaysia Day on 16 September, the newly announced public holiday~ So, I became their driver and tour guide again~ I think this would be 4-5 times of me bring people tour around Penang Island...With the aid of GPS, it is really a easy job for me to bring them tour around and eat until full~ From 7am-11pm, non-stop events/venue/attractions/foods, so enjoyable ~

It is good that I can bring happiness and guide the tour for my friends and family~ I really welcome them as I'll feel a bit lonely if I'm alone at home on weekends~

Really nice to have many friends~ Friendships cheers~

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day - Funny apps for sexy babe...

Haha..this is a funny apps or tricks for those porn website to create sexy nude photos for their website...It is cool~ It transforms a normal photo into a cool nude photo to catch guys' eyes ball~

Today I went to Island Hospital to donate blood again...My last session was May 10, so it is just exact time after 3months plus to help another new patient~ Good did will have good returns~

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Day - Sunday working on Shift~

7am-1pm working in office lab on Sunday~ is the 1st day of shift on weekend~ Sigh, was late due to late night sleep at 130am yesterday night, reached office around 730am~ I'm the shift lead, but late...OMG~ Paiseh sial...

surfing net while waiting my sample to be ready to probe...

Saw a few interesting links about relationship man and women~

女人最易被男人勾引的时候 =P

And a lot more interesting topic~ Nice reading article online~ :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day - Engineer's mind

Haha...this is funny image that I grabbed from FB...

Very funny, it shows how typical an Engineer's thinking...We are really born to solve problems...

We can solve the problems according to our desire output~

Hope I can really do my best, solve the daily life problems like this easily~

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day - Makan with James~

Good gathering with James and Ming Zhi, and also some juniors of MMU that just newly joined company in Penang~

Great dinner at Kimberly street Kuey Chap and the dessert Tong Shui~

The fried golden Pear - Actually just normal karipap, just that they creatively made it into pear shape~ Not bad to try, RM2.50 for 3pcs
Bak Chang pork dumpling~

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day - Rainy day

Today is rainy day~ Not much work in office....
In FB, somehow I saw this funny funny, yet so attractive...Funny tube wore by a girl~

The shirt artist designer are some creative...Every guy also hope to be like that, lie at the right middle of the chest of a girl, enjoy the warm by two soft breasts...The best would be with your dear of course~ I never mean to teach any bad things~ =)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010













Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day - Busy weekend with activities~

Thursday night, I spent a wonderful night with colleague at QB...We went for movie "Inceptoion", a movie about dream of the dream in different level...Dinner at Xian Ding Wei Taiwanese style restaurant in QB~

On Friday night, after working, I had my dinner at Sg Tiram (on the way to airport) with CK, Joe and HS. The shop is the one selling roti bakar in the morning, then later selling porridge and mee with lots of seafood varieties in the evening for dinner~ I'd a bowl of fish porridge by RM7~

Later on, CK and I headed to Pekaka for snooker...After finished 1 set, YF and Yong Fai came to join us, and we played until 11pm~

Saturday morning, I woke up around 830am and went to the Dim Sum foodcourt at Anson Road opposite the KDU~ And we met Teik Hean and his wife there~ Great dim sum breakfast there, nice and cheaper than Pekaka~ After that, we continued badminton 10-12pm at N-park~ Lunch at BB plaza, then attended Grand Capital preview about Q2 market share review at Suntec Level 10~ At evening, we went to Choo Thye's place for swimming and dinner together~ At night, had a table talk with Maypartner's sales girl at Old Town Bayan Baru until 12am~ Wow...tiring night~

Sunday morning~ Tzu Chi charity work, recycling works at Pearl Garden~
Somehow I was too exhausted...I fall in sick... diarrhea plus high fever...sigh....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Nice quote for the best job~

Everyone agree? :P
Or anyone disagree?? ^^v

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day - Listen to nice song~

I enjoyed listening to some nice songs at home~ Especially at night~

Really nice song~

Baby (Originally performed by Justin Bieber feat. Ludacris)
Written by Justin Bieber, Christopher "Tricky" Stewart, Terius "The-Dream" Nash, Christopher Bridges.
Published by Universal Music Corp.

You know you love me,I know you care
Just shout whenever, And I'll be there
You are my love, You are my heart
And we will never ever ever be apart

Are we an item? Girl quit playing
Were just friends, What are you saying
Said theres another, Look right in my eyes

My first love broke my heart for the first time,
And I was like
Baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby noo
I thought youd always be mine mine

Baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby noo
I thought youd always be mine,mine (oh oh)

For you, I would have done whatever
And I just can't believe, we ain't together
And I wanna play it cool, But I'm losin' you
I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring
And im in pieces, Baby fix me
And just shake me til' you wake me from this bad dream

Im going down, down, down, doown
And I just cant believe my first love would be around.

And I'm like beautiful girls
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we see
No I won't be afraid

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Day - SME expo + Gathering with old schoolmates

Visited the SME solution expo at MidValley shopping mall with Mohaz and both of my brothers...

At night...dinner time...Gathering with Keat Wei, Wai Kiat, Mok Chee Hou, Mohaz, Kim Yung, Hsin Hung at Equine Park Paparich cafe...

All talked about future planning...politics...
All mature talks...less crapping around...haha...

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Day 381 - Team-building at Cinta Sayang Resort~

Yeah..nice experience having fun with my gang of colleagues...
Total 11 of us in our group including our boss, she is too good and friendly...Joined the fun with us...

9am Breakfast buffet
10am Horse Joy Ride
11am Archery
1130am Golf Driving range
1230pm Lunch set
130pm Carnivall Waterpark sports
345pm Tea Break
4pm Dismissed

What a wonderful team-building event that I ever had experienced. So relax and everyone enjoyed to the MAX... Laughter all the way~ ^@^

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Day 380 - Nice chit chat with colleague~

Nothing happened in office today...
But indeed have a long chit chat with gang of colleagues...
Sitting in cafe, sharing each others stories and theories of life after work~
We talked and stayed until around 7pm~

Quite nice to chit chat with someone we not so familiar...yet we still can learned from each other~
Nice environment to work~

Monday, August 02, 2010

Day 379 - House clean up for new housemate~

Today, I only need to work half day, as to compensate the Saturday work on last week shift mode~

In the morning, morning meeting update at 9am, then department got the BUM session to attend until 1130am.
So, after lunch time, we all leave the office :P

After leaving office, then only the time to finish up my ARs.
Firstly, helped KL to pick up the Sales & Purchase Agreement(SnP) from Burma road law firm, then settled the PBA and TNB new application for the new apartment. Fuh...PBA RM100 for deposit, plus RM10 stamp hasil. TNB RM250 deposit, RM10 stamp hasil...

Now I learned all the procedures of buying a new house...So troublesome~
Later, I went to collect the key from the developer and did final check on the house unit.

So lastly, I welcomed my new housemate,Michael to visit and clean up his room. He also helped to mop the living room for me, so nice~ =P

Dinner with ex-housemate DJ together with his gf...They brought me along to Sen Heng bought Air-con...1H power RM998 Samsung brand, after with member card( RM12 ) discounted price.

That's all for today diary update~

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Day 378 - 1st of August, new housemate...

What a Sunday...Home alone whole day~
Spent almost a day in front of my computer, looking at FB updates. It already becomes part of my life~

Then, I dried up my clothes that I washed yesterday. Clean the toilet...
As today is 1st of August, my ex-housemate DJ is moving out to stay together with his gf in Sunway Tunas...So, they were busy moving stuffs out while I'm just watching those funny clips in FB...HAHA....I'm So unhelpful housemate =_="

So now, his room is empty now and I'm awaiting new housemate Michael to move in~
I had tuition in the evening, then walked alone in Giant...Wow...never know that there were so many free testing booths available in the market...For those running out the $$, can just walked 2-3 rounds to fill your stomach :P

I just bought myself some groceries, bought new toothbrush [ProDENTALB]as I think I only changed it last year -_-" So no good practice for oral health...As what I read from dental advice, we should change the toothbrush every 3months...OMG~ So fast...My toothbrush still in good shaped even though it had been used for a year plus :P

Anyway, a good start for my oral cleanliness and health~

谨慎规划结婚经费预算 Wedding Budget





Waste of roses, diamond rings and candle light dinner after a successful courtship, Adam and love to face up to reality of financial planning, including the budget required for marriage, after marriage the next day as well as financial planning.

In planning wedding budget, we must face the reality of their financial situation, do not let other people and the other half have high expectations, so that the scope of the permitted capacity to make more than the cost.

They can discuss with the other half of the "comfort" the amount set aside, DO NOT have the "This is a once in their lifetime, so everything should be the best" mentality, because it may cause you both have to be used for future income to pay this "marriage debt."

For a Happy marriage ~ Pls plan ahead~ $$ is a great factor~ ^@^

Tips for loan: How does a bank rate the credit worthiness of an application?

Good article for myself and my readers~ Quoted from The Star Biz...
How does a bank rate the credit worthiness of an application?

AmBank (M) Bhd retail banking managing director Datuk Mohamed Azmi Mahmood says banks would generally assess five credit factors of an applicant.

These are character, capacity, capital, condition and collateral.

Azmi says character refers to the borrowers’ “willingness” to repay while capacity refers to their ability to generate adequate cashflow to repay the loan.

The remaining three factors – capital, condition and collateral – can be mitigated or compensated by the favourable economic climate and government-guaranteed schemes such as those under Credit Guarantee Corp (M) Bhd (CGC) and Syarikat Jaminan Pembiayaan Perniagaan Bhd, he says.

Azmi says borrowers must show good character, management competency and ability to repay existing loan obligations and other creditors.

“The lack of credit history for those applying for bank loans for the first time can be mitigated and compensated by relevant supporting documents such as updated financial accounts, bank statements and letter of award,” he says.

He says it is important that SMEs maintain proper book keeping to ensure that these documents are available when required, especially their audited financial accounts. “Loan applications from sectors or industries that the Government is promoting will also have a better chance of having their applications approved,” Azmi says.

He says SME loans make up a fourth of AmBank’s loan portfolio to corporates and enterprises last year.

Hong Leong Bank Bhd group managing director Yvonne Chia says loan applications that show good repayment capacity, acceptable business risks and account performance track records will be considered favourably.

She says financial assistance to SMEs comprised 40% of Hong Leong Bank’s business banking portfolio as at March 2010.

Meanwhile, HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd deputy managing director (commercial banking and director sales) Thomas Varughese says one of the main reasons to reject an application is the lack of financial information that can show the sustainability or viability of a business.

For instance, he says, many SMEs do not pay enough attention to managing their financial position to portray a picture of success, or to show evidence of business continuity.

This makes it difficult to approve the application, Varughese says.

“Poor credit history of the SMEs, including that of its directors and/or guarantors is another issue,” he says.

Varughese says if the SMEs or their associated directors or guarantors have exhibited poor credit history, which is shown in missing payments on their existing loans including personal loans and credit cards, this will give a negative impression on the overall credit assessment.

To secure a loan, he says, SMEs should have a detailed business plan that explains why the loan is needed in the first place.

“It will also be helpful to provide information about the business (company or management profile), nature of the business and financial statements or accounts for at least the last two to three years,” he says.

Varughese says the provision of well-thought-through cashflow statements can also provide further evidence for the need for the financial assistance, adding that SMEs may visit HSBC website for guidance on how to apply for loans.

He says that as of last year, more than 22% of HSBC’s loan portfolio is SMEs loans.

Varughese says the bank is not keen to finance businesses that may be considered as unsustainable or destructive to the environment.

“At HSBC, we believe that being a sustainable business is not only about delivering profitable long-term growth, but also about maintaining a stable environment and building healthy, educated communities,” he says.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 377 - Long life...Stay healthy

Chinese wordings are really nice, can be so artistic...
Form various pattern into a nice picture as below:

Everyone also wanna have a longer experience the precious time with their love one...
Today worked half day for the last day of the trial run shift...
Then, went to join my colleagues for badminton session until 230pm~
Supposed I have another seminar about Australian migrant at evergreen Hotel in town, but it was heavy and a bit too late to attend...Sigh...

Spending whole evening in front of laptop, watching and share links in FB...Chatting with Ah Juan, Her cousin...A big thanks to her that still supporting with me...

I must work hard, to have a healthy life...Learned to love myself 1st, Then only got the right to love the one I loved~

Owl City - Vanilla Twilight

Very nice song~

Songwriters: Young, Adam

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
Till I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because when I think of you
I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again
And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear,
Oh darling I wish you were here~

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 376 - Friday lunch with 9ppl singK at QB Neway

Yeah...Since worked so late OT on Thursday night, I went in office after lunch...
Of course, I informed my boss before doing that~

Gratefully thanks to Yong Yee [Pro photographer]

For the lunch, we had a great one in QB Neway Karaoke....I'm the organizer, successfully invited 9 ppl from my office, total 10 ppl in a group, singing happily in the small room~ With my sick voice, still able to fight among with them...So nice to see everyone are participating, putting their effort to sing every song~ =)

In the group, I have Chin Keong, Yee Fei, Wynnes, Tze Chee, Yong Yee, Poh Tshin , Chin Ling, Ven Ci and Shiu In. Just nice to have 5 guys and 5 girls~ Too bad forget to take group photo~

I really appreciate the happy hour lunch time...Weekday RM9.80++ for 3 hours singing session of more than 6pax, free salad buffet...Total only Rm11.30 per person... Thanks again to YY for the nice shot~ This photo triggers me change my FB profile photo~ Haha...Will surely arrange another round~ HAVE FUN today~

Day 375 - Work OT in some interesting news~

Working in lab from 6pm until 1am at night...
Thanks to my colleague accompany me and helping me with his expertise ~

While doing job in the lab at late night, I read some interesting article about a great rich guy, Jho Low, Penangite that get filthy rich overnight, spent Euro2 mil for opening champagne of the night...Spent time with lots of celebrities : Ushers, Linsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and etc...More info you can read here (Mandarin version)!

All you need to be like him is the money background and friends~ Correct friends network during you Uni time, study in a great business school...that's the key to success for him~ GREAT one~ And I like this quote " 如果你的荷包胖的的话,谁在乎你的身材胖? " haha ^@6

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 374 - Fall sick~ Got the flu virus again~

Nice clock design for mathematician ya~ =P

Yesterday went for gym, but I was fall in sick and having a running nose after that...
Review my half year write-up with boss, she is OK with my performance~
I Feel Great after the session~ At least my effort of doing jobs are appreciated...

At night, I continued my tuition session for Angeline Lee before getting back home for rest...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 373 - Learn about criteria of buying a house mum called me yesterday saying that my auntie heard there is a corner lot double-storey house at Bkt Serdang is pending to sell with RM600k~ I said WOW...RM600k?! That's a lot money...but anyway, no harm to have a look to that house, then only start considering....

Today she went in visit during evening time, straight away called me and said that house is a worth buy~ I was the owner willing to reduce to RM590k since we are just employee, not earning that much of money~ So, my mum consulted my papa, then they planned to go again at 5pm after my papa back from work...

Who knows~ The house owner told my mum that there's an agent with a buyer just leave 5 mins ago...They bought it with RM600k~ efficient...seems like it is really a hot cake, very worthy to buy...No wonder my parents and bro all told me that we missed this such a great chance~ All fully furnished and well renovated...Can straight move in without any great changes...

Anyhow, I think we are late, and people is offering the owner with higher price, of course no wrong that the owner choose to sell to the higher price taker...I learned throughout the process...Studied online about housing loan, current BLR rate in Malaysia is 6.3%, Mortage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA), Lock-in period and et cetera....Also, a good link to calculate the mortage and find the relevant bank package~

God blessed...Let wait our fate...一切随缘~ I believe there will be a better house awaiting for us~ Just work hard and get prepare~

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 373 - No work on Monday~

This is my 2nd week of shift~ So, again, no work on Monday and Tuesday~
Anyway, since I'm too free at home, I connected myself to the company VPN and replied some mails too...Also to type report and let my boss know that I'm actually a hardworking employee too~ HAHA =P

Nothing much achieve today~
KL is on MC, we went out for meals...Stay at home in front of laptop~
Read a lot of articles from Wiki about the world population, density, cetera...
Haha..sounds like reading Geographical stuffs...but its good info for myself, I admit that my geography subject is poor~ So, lots of places and direction, I'm poor with that sense~

Anyway, I'm getting a GPS Garmin 255W to help myself~ :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 371 - Half day work + Movie + Tennis~

Saturday works half-day shift...
My boss was so hardworking, went in to the lab at 830am to have meeting with us, and also to check our attendance :P

After the half day work until 1pm, I joined my colleagues to QB for a movie at 230pm...Total 4 guys: me, Yee Fei, Chun Jin and Yong Fai...
The Sorcerer's Apprentice...cast by Nicholas Cage, Jay Baruchel, Alfred Molina and many others...the story line is expected to be in magic world, like Harry Potter style...
The trailer:

Indeed the movie was quite nice...especially the theme song...Secrets by One republic...

After the movie, we hang around QB for a while, there are some great sales going on~
I bought myself a Geron Polo Tee with RM15...

In the evening, we went back to Intel for tennis session til 830pm~

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 370 - The most reputable company...

Here are some of the most reputable company's logos from a website...
So are working for them?

I'm working in for the reputable company, just nice it has the top 10 rank among all other company~ Anyhow, do you feel proud when working in such company? In common sense, yeah...It does help to attract people's attention and draw some respect from public...

But for my intuition, it is just a so-so above average status for me.
Maybe because of I'm still new or my passion is not in this Electronics factory industry...
Or maybe my pay is not that high...
Or maybe I demand for too high, expecting too much...
And maybe also because I don't know what I actually want~
What is my goal?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 369 - Good website to monitor Unit trust~

Unit trust price list that update daily, provides in dept and neat analysis~

Also a good blog writing about unit trust~

A foot note for myself~ A step for myself to leap ahead~

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 368 - My work starts the shift~

Today is the first day my job starts working shift~
Woke up at 630am, rolling on the bed until 645am, then rushed to the office, ended up late by 15 mins, reached my desk at 715am~ =P

The proposed time is 7-7pm, works 3.5 days a week. Shift A works Sun-Wed where Shift B works Wed-Sat. Both team work half day on the weekend~ I'm on shift B, so my work starts count today~

There will be always pro and con...Good thing is that I got more rest time or longer weekends and avoid the traffics from others, bad thing is that I gotta wake up so early and work for 12 hours a day~ But overall, I think I will like the shift model as it considers a good time for me to rest and plan for my future~

Work hard...Thing goes by let it passed~ I know it is always easy to say, and when come to action, I'm weak~ ACTION...I need momentum to do ACTION~ God bless me pls~

**Or maybe a simple response/reply from Someone will help~ =) i don't know...

黃鴻升[小鬼] - 地球上最浪漫的一首歌 KTV

黃鴻升[小鬼] - 地球上最浪漫的一首歌 KTV

真的 以为情歌还不都是骗人的
真的 忘了变成哑巴有多久了

依依不舍 舍不得 地球上最浪漫的一首歌
我怕太超现实的快乐 只是你借给我的
紧紧抱着 拥抱着 地球上最浪漫的一首歌
我的灵魂二十一公克 因为你而完整了 完美了

真的 自己原来还有做梦是资格
原来 伤过心的心还是肉做的


把不可能 变可能 地球上最浪漫的一首歌
你眼神里那一种光泽 心里还是热热的
最亲爱的 心爱的 地球上最浪漫的一首歌
把苦苦的变的甜甜的 因为你是而获得 找到了~


哈哈,很妙~ 原来黄鸿升就是台湾综艺节目的‘小鬼’。。。
我的灵魂二十一公克 因为你而完整了 完美了” 里头的二十一公克是有来头的~
所谓灵魂二十一公克还真的是有根据的哟~ 哈哈啊,可是可信度不详~

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 367 - 1 year plus 1 day~ Gonna start shift~

Time ticking~Tick Tock Tick Tock....
1 year passed~ And the 1 day extra come~
Anything new happens? Any surprise? Any response?
A long anticipating reply~ Yet no news~ Sigh...Let it be~ Only God knows the answer~

So my job starts the shift model for trial run for 2 weeks....
This is the first week~ The nicest weekend~ Monday no work, rest at home...
Today, a bit motivated, connected to the company VPN and started to reply some mails to show my boss that I'm hardworking~ haha...somemore call in to training, looking at the live meeting and read as a dumb, can't understand what they are presenting...too noob~

So my job starts shift, perhaps it guides me...To shift my mindset too...
Think more positively and think for future...A girl never like a guy that always think the passed old sweet time~ Always looking forward and anticipating the new challenges...There's how the charming feel come true~

I gonna bring it up and learned deeply in my heart~
Anyway, I still call u my dear...A big Thanks to Dear, I really learned a lot from you~
Learned how to care for others...Treat others sincerely....Be open-minded...
Learned how to think for others...Put my leg into other ppl's shoes...Be kind~
Also learned how to drive carefully, skillfully...memorizing the route...direction caution...

The most important one~ Learned to LOVE~ Love is really powerful...It can change a lot of things~ God blessed~

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 365 - Sunday Charity work~

Just realize that 1 year has gone~ No wonder it was a sleepless night yesterday~

In the morning, I woke up at 730am to prepare some light breakfast for my fren, CK who stayed overnight in our house. We got to prepare to for Tzu Chi recycling work at Pearl Garden and Acreville apartments in Sg. Ara area. I cooked some green bean soup plus barley for dessert, and Campbell soup with mee for breakfast.

Tiring weekend~ Packed with activity...
In my heart, there is always a pending job...waiting for her reply~ OR should I initiate? =_=|

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 364 - Spent a day with sports~

决不是 ‘悲剧’ 接一个 ‘悲剧’ ^_^ 活得开心点吧,干杯!

Saturday morning badminton was postponed to afternoon 12-2pm. So I woke up late for a brunch at Pekaka dimsum, and played snooker at Pekaka. Finally, I won back 2 games straight. Then, I and CK went to N-park for the badminton. Really sweat a lot~ Nice one~